My Art Journal pages

Hi here you will find pages I made for my artjournal, most of the pages will be linked at the Artjournal Caravan by Tangie Baxter at Scrapbookgraphics, but I also want to show work I do just for fun....
I try to credit every single artist, but sometimes I'm working in the flow that much I forget to note from who the stuff is. If that happens, sorry, email me and I will add your name to the page!

And an other "She Art" page, I LOVE this dolls (they are from Celinia Curtis) and are very handy to use!
just an extra reminder for myself, to believe in me, and to be brave!
I used almost everything for the Sweetshoppe store, and Celinia Curtis

Made for the first week of 2014, theme is Nature/winter, so this is what I made with it. I used work from Tangie and Tumble Fish Studios

I made this as a letter to myself, for the AJC 2014, I thought mabey this helps me to remind me of my goals and dreams through this year. Made with stuff from Tangie Baxter, studio mix 60 and angie Young, Celenia Curtis, and Captivated vision.

Made for Scrapbookgraphics with the Studiomix 60, such a lovely and great kit for artjournaling!

all made with stuff by Crowabout studios at Deviantscrap
Made with Crowabout studio stuff at Devianscrap

Made with Crowabout studio stuff at Devianscrap

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